Horse Sore Back
A sore back in a horse can be caused by numerous factors including;
- Deformities of the vertebral column
- Soft tissue injuries
- Fractures
- Muscle and nerve problems
- Other vertebral and articular lesions
Symptoms of horse sore back
- Dipping
- Flinching or raising the back muscles when pressure is applied
- Stiffness on one rein when being ridden
- Tail carried to one side
- Poor or reduced performance
- Gait abnormalities
- Uneven muscle tone
- Reluctance to jump and engage hind quarters.
Can Niagara Equissage help with horse sore back?
Yes, definitely.
Using Niagara Equissage can do nothing but good in terms of back related issues whatever the cause. Even where the cause is established as being a deformity, then any therapy which eases, relaxes and tones helps the horse more ably cope. For example in the case of Kissing Spine whether or not surgery has been carried out, the ultimate success of treatment is reliant upon how strong the back muscles are.
In the case of muscular spasms, depending upon its location and if it is detected very early on, then specific, targeted treatment with the Niagara Equissage Hand Unit should be enough to restore the status quo. However, if this does not resolve the situation within 2/3 days, then treatment should be sought from a practitioner, following veterinary advice.
For the spasm that is more deep set, it has to be dissipated by an appropriate practitioner so that healing can take place and muscle regenerated. Once the practitioner has done their job, Niagara Equissage can take over and put everything else back in place.
Thereafter Niagara Equissage can be used to aid the full recovery process by promoting good circulation and continued elimination of toxins. The deep massaging helps to ensure that the muscle fibres remain in their unknotted state as affected by the practitioner ready for a return to exercise. The elevation in bodily temperature that occurs following a 20 minute session remains for several hours, therefore capillaries remain more dilated so therapy is effectively continuing long after Equissage has been removed.
Similarly if the cause proves to be a trapped nerve, then a chiropractor will be required to attend to the consequent subluxation(s). After treatment Niagara Equissage will help restore proper blood flow and revitalise the nerve or nerves that have been trapped. By using Niagara Equissage alone a subluxation cannot be corrected; symptoms may be temporarily eased but the cause will still be there. In instances where nerves such as the sciatic nerve are involved, as with people, this is very painful so a horse probably will not be very happy if an Equissage is applied, sending vibrations along the nerve pathways; wait until a practitioner has treated the horse, then let Niagara Equissage take over.
General sore back can readily be a result of particularly strenuous work or the addition of new exercises into the working programme. Niagara Equissage is well-known for its abilities with regard to easing tension and relaxing tightness in muscles all over the body, not just the back.
For general horse sore back, use the Back Pad on a No.2-3 setting for 20-30 minutes a day after exercise. Additional use of the Hand Unit around the main sore spot will provide extra relief and well as more targeted therapy.
If a horse is prone to tightness, etc. then use Niagara Equissage prior to exercise for 20 minutes on a No.3-No.4 setting for 10 minutes, turned up to a higher setting (up to No.8) for 10 minutes.
Following therapy from a practitioner, then take their specific advice depending upon exactly what treatment has been effected. As a general guide, bearing in mind that a horse can feel a bit sore after such treatment, then a more gentle massage will be welcome. A 20-30 minute session with the Back Pad set on No.2-No.3 will be of most benefit to aid restorative healing.
If a horse is particularly prone to a sore back then additional targeted use of the Hand Unit is acceptable. Gently apply the Hand Unit along the length of the spine, both directly on the nerve channel and also a couple of inches below the spine (on either side of the back) on a medium to high setting.
See All- World Equestrian Games Reining Gold Medalist
"The Back Pad is part of our daily maintenance for all of our show horses and we have found it to be an invaluable part of our program. With regular use, our horses start out much softer throught their bodies; we have fewer incidents of back soreness and are much happier overall. I love that the unit is so portable and that it is very easy to use. Thank you for this quality product and for your support!
- The pony was qualified for the Horse of The Year Show in England, but was ill with a virus 10 days before the show and the vet advised not traveling. 50 ml/day of Brandes Formula and a week later the bloods were dramatically improved and the decision made to travel, albeit later than intended. The pony had to be ridden by an English rider for qualification reasons, and Christie Prichard had not sat on him till 20 minutes before the class. They jumped one of only 5 clear rounds, and then won the Jump Off to be crowned Pony Of The Year. Without Brandes Formula we would not even have been at the show. As it turned out he looked great, jumped superbly, and thanks to Brandes Formula our dream has come true.
- Champion British 3 Day Event Rider, Coach & Journalist
After 2 months on Brandes Formula and AfterAce, bill's wind which had always been thick since a nasty virus 3 years ago, has so improved that he took a mere 15 minutes to recover from going his fastest at Highclere's intermediate event. He also has dapples in his coat for the first time ever!! The sign of a healthy horse.